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35mm slide scanning is one of our most popular services. If you haven’t been storing your slides in a climate-controlled part of your home, safe from too much natural sunlight or temperature fluctuations and you’ve been moving them from closet, to attic, to basement and back to the closet as you need the space – then it’s time to consider our digitizing service. 

We clean and optimize every slide before digitizing. Converting your 35mm slides to a digital format will not only stop the natural deterioration of the film and its color, but viewing them on your TV or computer can bring back some of those old-school memories of sitting around your home projector after dinner.


35mm negatives are from 35mm film and this smaller format was the gateway for consumer photography and mass production of film in an easy to develop and use format. We use a flatbed scanner to ensure the best possible scan of your negatives.

Medium format negatives go up to 4″ x 5″ and everything 4″ x 5″ or above is a large format negative. Your 4″ x 5″ large format negatives are the most common size, made popular by the camera models of the 1930s-1950s. The idea here is that the larger the area, the more detail you can capture and the better the photograph.

PRICING: 35mm slide & negative Scan



500+ = 10% DISCOUNT

2,500+ = 20% DISCOUNT

• 1000 DPI, JPEG File Provided

• Cropping and proper photo orientation

Color/Tone Correction Enhancing Images



500+ = 10% DISCOUNT

2,500+ = 20% DISCOUNT

• 2000 DPI, TIFF & JPEG Files Provided

• Cropping and proper photo orientation

Color/Tone Correction Enhancing Images

formats and resolutions explained:

DPI: 2000 DPI (dots per inch) scans produce much larger files but help ensure every detail in your slide is recorded in digital form. If you don’t mind giving up a bit of resolution, then 1000 DPI scans would be a better choice, producing smaller files and cost less to create.

JPEG Vs. TIFF: TIFF files lossless (no compression). They are larger in size but will not lose any quality or clarity when edited and saved repeatedly. JPEGs, on the other hand, have compression and will lose a small amount of quality and clarity each time they are saved, but they are smaller in file size making them easier to share with friends and family.

Things to Know:

PICK-UP AND DELIVERY OPTION: We offer FREE pick up and delivery for neighboring cities (on orders of $350 or more)

DELIVERY TIME FRAME: On average delivery turn around is 1-2 weeks, depending on number of images

MEDIA DELIVERY OPTIONS: We can deliver your final digital files one of two ways: Via Flash Drive = Starting at $25, or Download Link (Expires after 1 month) = $25, (Never Expires) = $50


Medium and Large Format Negative Film

Medium and Large Format Negative Film

medium format - $4.95EA

• 2000 DPI, TIFF & JPEG Files Provided

• Cropping and proper photo orientation

• Color/Tone Correction Enhancing Images